Everything you need to know before traveling to Europe. The new ETIAS and ETA permits.


If you are going to travel to Europe this year or next, You should know these details about the new electronic visas that are being introduced so as not to have any setbacks when traveling..

Here we tell you what it is about…


ETIAS: visa for europe

It is a new visa for travelers from Latin America to Europe. Its acronym means in English: TRAVEL INFORMATION AND AUTHORIZATION SYSTEM.

  • Although they had published that it would be applied during the 2024, will not come into force until 2025.
  • The purpose is for border control and to speed up customs controls..
  • It will allow a maximum stay of 90 days in Europe and its validity will last for 3 consecutive years from the date of issue or until the passport that was registered expires.
  • To process it, you will need a valid passport with a minimum validity of 3 months at the time of travel, as well as an email where you will be responded to whether it was authorized or not within a maximum period of 72 hours..
  • You will have to fill out a form through the portal: https://www.etiasvisa.com/ making a payment of approximately €7 by card.
  • Countries in which the ETIAS Permit will be mandatory:

Germany, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Croatia, Denmark, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Estonia, Finland, France, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Monaco, Norway, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Czech Republic, Romania, San Marino, Sweden, Swiss, Vatican, Bulgaria, Cyprus and Romania. The countries in which the procedure will not be necessary are Ireland and the United Kingdom.



New visa for the UNITED KINGDOM:

As we all know, some changes have occurred since Brexit. (exit of the United Kingdom from the European Union).

Hereinafter, Spaniards and the rest of the members of the European Union who could travel with their DNI or national identification must travel with a valid “PASSPORT”, as well as health insurance.

in addition, an electronic visa called AND (Electronic Travel Authorization) for the rest of the countries in the world except countries in the European Union and some in Latin America such as: Spain and the rest of the EU States include Latin American countries such as Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Mexico, Paraguay and Uruguay.

Its purpose is to exercise immigration control and data collection. Streamlining entry processes with greater security.

At the moment its cost or date of entry into force are not known.. It has only been established that it will have a validity of 2 years for multiple entries.



Daiam I.
