In the world where we live in a daze with noises that come from everywhere and an excess of information that haunts us, concerned about wifi and the inevitable connection to every place we go.

It's time to do a STOP!



Our body asks us because we get sick, we get stressed and in a bad mood, also our mind and our essence need to reconnect with ourselves from time to time, know what we do and where we are going.

It is very important to be clear about our short-term objectives or else we will go aimlessly, adrift like many of us following the mass. Doing what everyone else does ... is it that you ever sit alone in silence to connect with your being?…

Journey to Silence Retreat


When was the last time you thought of yourself selfishly without taking into account your loved ones or daily duties?…

Surely a long time ago, maybe when you were a boy or a girl because this is the purpose of the retreats.

Take some time for ourselves, away from everything including our closest environment and connect with our divine essence, improve our capacity for patience and sanity with others and fill ourselves with energy through the most sacred and primitive nature.

Understand your existence through silence, there you will find many answers and also you will purify all the load that you carry inside.

To start you can practice inner silence every day for a few minutes. They will be a great investment, a few moments of connection with your inner guide that will allow you to be more serene and find answers and solutions to any complex situation that comes your way.

In this way you can get on the road to retreats.

There are variety of withdrawals: Silence; Yoga; Mindfulness; etc. Each discipline organizes activities according to the theme through transformation and personal growth workshops, in order to learn to listen and know each other…

To be

To be

Daiam I.



“Who does not know where to go, necessarily goes astray”…