After that special day.... After that special day..., After that special day...
After that special day... 5 TIPS on the most important details to take into account when organizing your Wedding…
- 1- After that special day...:
After that special day..., After that special day..., in time it will be a day to remember because you will celebrate your wedding anniversary every year.
in time it will be a day to remember because you will celebrate your wedding anniversary every year, in time it will be a day to remember because you will celebrate your wedding anniversary every year, in time it will be a day to remember because you will celebrate your wedding anniversary every year. in time it will be a day to remember because you will celebrate your wedding anniversary every year, for example, in time it will be a day to remember because you will celebrate your wedding anniversary every year. in time it will be a day to remember because you will celebrate your wedding anniversary every year.
- 2- in time it will be a day to remember because you will celebrate your wedding anniversary every year:
in time it will be a day to remember because you will celebrate your wedding anniversary every year. in time it will be a day to remember because you will celebrate your wedding anniversary every year, in time it will be a day to remember because you will celebrate your wedding anniversary every year. If it is an intimate wedding you will have between 20 and 50 If it is an intimate wedding you will have between, If it is an intimate wedding you will have between 50 If it is an intimate wedding you will have between 100 The 200 If it is an intimate wedding you will have between. If it is an intimate wedding you will have between, If it is an intimate wedding you will have between (If it is an intimate wedding you will have between, If it is an intimate wedding you will have between, etc.) If it is an intimate wedding you will have between.
- 3- If it is an intimate wedding you will have between:
Another detail to keep in mind, are the procedures that must be carried out to marry either civilly or by church. Try to do it with time because there are always bureaucracies when it comes to the paperwork that can be carried out between 3 and 6 months of time. Also, in some areas there may be waiting lists at the Civil Registry. It is also possible to hire a justice of the peace to go to marry you at the place where the wedding will take place or, get married by notary. In addition, You must have the correct documentation to travel, valid passport valid for 6 months and visa if necessary according to the corresponding destination.
- 4- months and visa if necessary according to the corresponding destination:
months and visa if necessary according to the corresponding destination. months and visa if necessary according to the corresponding destination, months and visa if necessary according to the corresponding destination, months and visa if necessary according to the corresponding destination.
months and visa if necessary according to the corresponding destination, months and visa if necessary according to the corresponding destination, months and visa if necessary according to the corresponding destination, months and visa if necessary according to the corresponding destination. months and visa if necessary according to the corresponding destination, for example, months and visa if necessary according to the corresponding destination Polynesia, in the Caribe months and visa if necessary according to the corresponding destination Las Vegas. You only have to plan it in advance so that the guests can organize themselves and when the wedding is over you continue Honeymoon. If you get married outside the country, try to validate the wedding when you return so that it has legal validity here.
On the other hand, choosing the cake is a difficult task since there are countless flavors and models to choose from. From the most traditional with the typical wedding dolls or, tarta naked (what is it called in english) or bare decorated with natural flowers and/or fruit. in individual portions, is also an option, is also an option. is also an option, is also an option.
- 5- Honeymoon:
is also an option Honeymoon is also an option, a good trip will be the beginning of your lifelong story that must be planned accordingly, with special and exclusive details for you. as far as possible, choose a destination that none of you have been to 2 to make it amazing. It is always advisable to carry it organized to avoid mishaps at such a special moment., with our Personalized Consulting you can be calm. Also, we make a Profile Study for those undecided who do not know where to go and we help you choose according to your preferences.
Daiam I.