Tailor-made retreats

Would you like to organize a retreat, but you don't know where to start? We can help you ...

You don't care! You just have to gather the group and attend the retreat, we take care of the rest ...

Why organize a retreat?

Perhaps you have been anxious to organize a retreat for a long time but you do not know how to prepare it or you do not have time because your profession or daily activities occupy you all day. This is your opportunity to do it since you will have our advice throughout the process..

Who can impart it?

There are countless trainers and facilitators who are trained to celebrate a retreat. Ideal for teachers who want to give a retreat for their students as a closure of courses or end of training. Maybe you have a group of friends with whom to share hobbies and even families who want to live a different experience ...


Dances; yoga; mindfulness; meditation; coaching; psychology; esoteric; wellness; botany; diet and many other dynamics or therapies that you practice.

How does it work?

  • We listen to your preferences and the theme of the retreat to plan the itinerary to suit you.

  • We take care of reserving all the services of: accommodation, foods, transport, insurance and whatever is needed according to your priorities.

  • We set the times in terms of dates and number of participants taking security precautions for Covid.

  • We advertise to promote it.

  • We take care of the payment of services and reservations.

  • We provide assistance during the previous organization of the event, at the beginning and end of the retreat.

Daiam Illa

Travel Advisor. Tourist guide. NLP coach. Founder of Soy Experiential Travels

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